Pro Tour competitor, Kevin Kiefer III Impresses at Las Vegas Challenge, Looks Ahead to Texas

With a display of mental fortitude and skill, Elite Team Tacky Saks member Kevin Kiefer III has emerged as a top performer at the 2023 Las Vegas Challenge, after making the cut for the final round. Despite facing a challenging course and fierce competition from some of the world’s best disc golfers, Kiefer remained focused and determined throughout the tournament, ultimately finishing tied for 30th with a total score of -17.

Kiefer’s impressive showing was all the more remarkable considering this was his first pro tour event of the year. Clearly, the hard work and dedication he has put into his training and preparation have paid off in a big way. Throughout the tournament, Kiefer displayed a level of skill and composure that belied his relative lack of experience on the pro tour.

Perhaps most impressive of all was Kiefer’s ability to stay mentally focused and composed, even as the pressure mounted and the competition grew more intense. As he wrote on his IG, “It’s a long fight the whole time and super happy to have been able to stay mentally focused until the last throw.” This kind of mental toughness is what separates the great players from the merely good, and it is clear that Kiefer has what it takes to compete at the highest level.

Of course, Kiefer’s success would not have been possible without the support of his fans and fellow disc golfers. As he continued to write on his IG, “Thank you everyone for the support!” It is this sense of community and camaraderie that makes disc golf such a unique and special sport, and it is clear that Kiefer is deeply committed to this aspect of the game.

Looking ahead, Kiefer is already setting his sights on the next challenge. As he ended his IG with, “Can’t wait to continue my journey in windy Texas.” With his combination of skill, dedication, and mental toughness, there is no doubt that Kiefer will continue to be a force to be reckoned with on the pro tour. Congratulations, Kevin, on a job well done!

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